Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Do video games have a negative effect on children's behavior?

According to Wikipedia video games are an electronic game that involves interaction to generate general feedback on a video device. There are so many type of games and game systems out their. Video games keep most kids entertained for the most part. I remember the old Sega Genesis, Atari, and the old Nintendo systems. I remember playing Mario, Sonic, Mortal Combat, and tetras on the game boy. The old black and white game boys were out for a while till the color one came in. Video games back then kept me out of trouble because it gave me something to do. I don't recall a time when they effected my behavior.

Videos games can be very educational and teach kids on different subjects. They also may improve a child's manual dexterity and computer literacy. Playing videos games is better than having your child watch TV because their more active. When a child plays a video game it involves problem solving, planning, estimation, and analysis of the moves and action of the opponent and the child. Video games teach them these skills. It also improves their hand-eye coordination. Video games have been included in a child's therapy to help with certain psychological problems. They also mimic social structure.

Children spend a ton of their time playing video games instead of playing out side or doing homework. When i was little all i used to do is play outside, but when technology made some advances i began to stay inside more and more. Aggressive behavior can be linked to the amount of time a child spends playing video games. Kids that play video games for an excessive amount of time are prone to confrontations with their teachers. Their grades start to drop. Violated act are found to be in most video games, and kids begin to pick up their behaviors, just like on TV. Kids like to mimic what they see. I remember i used to think i was a ninja turtle, or the pink power ranger, or I at least acted like I was. Video games do affect a child's behavior.

Monday, October 12, 2009


I am thinking about two question topics for my argumentative topic and they are: Do video games have a negative effect on children's behavior? and Should juvenile offenders be tried and punished as adults?

Monday, October 5, 2009